
Showing posts from April, 2021

24.Topic for group discussion-Human trafficking

1.What is human trafficking?What are different types of human trafficking? 2.What are the main contributory factors of human trafficking in India? 3.Who are victims of human trafficking in India? 4.How can we overcome on this crime effectively and easily?

23.Topic for group discussion-Honour killing

1.What is honour killing? 2.What are the main causes for honour killing in India? 3.Can men  also be the victims of honour killing? 4.How many countries practice honour killing? 5.How can we overcome on this social evil effectively and easily?

22.Topic for group discussion-Women empowerment

1.What do you understand by women empowerment? 2.What are the main challenges in women empowerment in India? 3.How can we overcome on women empowerment in India effectively and easily? 4.What are the significance of women empowerment in our society? 5.What are the initiative taken by our government to uplift the status of women empowerment?

21.Topic for group discussion-Exercise and Yoga.

1.What are benefits of exercise? 2.What are the different types of exercise for  people? 3.What are the main difference between exercise and yoga? 4.What are the significances of exercise and yogo in our life? 5.How much exercise and yogo should we do daily in life? 6.Is one type of exercise better than another?

20.Topic group discussion -Gratitude

1.What is gratitude? What are the importance of gratitude in our life? 2.How can we develop good gratitude? 3.How much gratitude plays an importance in building relationships in professional as well as individuals life? 4.Who are are responsible for developing good gratitude?

19.Topic for group discussion-Natural verses artificial resources

1.What do you understand by natural resourcesand artificial resources? 2.What are the major differences between natural resources and artificial resources? 3.What are the the great sources of natural resources and artificial resources? 4.How can we make a good balance between natural resources and artificial resources? 5.What are the pros and cons of both types of resources?

18.Topic for group discussion-Softskills

1.What do you understand by softskills? 2.What are the different types of softskills? 3.How can we develop some good softskills effectively and easily? 4.What are the significance of softskills in professional life as well as individuals life? 5.What are the challenges in developing softskills? 6.Which types of softskills needed to get success in job interviews?

17.Topic for group discussion-Crimes against women

1.What are the crimes against women in India? 2.What are the main causes of such crimes against women? 3.How can we overcome on such crimes against women effectively and satisfyingly? 4.Who are responsible for crimes against women? 5.How much women empowerment can help in controlling crimes against women?

16.Topic for group discussion-Leadership

1.What do you understand by a leader ? 2.What are the main characteristics of a leader? 3.What are the different types of leadership? 4.Why is a leader needed? 5.What are the importance of a leader and effective leadership in professional and individuals life? 6.What are the differences between leader and boss?

15.Topic for group discussion-Habits

1.What is habit? What are the different types of habits in our life? 2.How can we build up good habits in our life? 3.What extent  habits play a vital role in our career goals? 4.What are the pros and cons of habits in professional as well as individuals life? 5.How long can we develop a habit in our life? 6.What are the different types of challenges in forming a good habit?

14.Topic for group discussion-Depression

1.What is depression? What are the different types of depression? 2.What are signs and symptoms of depression? 3.What are the main causes of depression? 4.How many facts do you know about depression? 5.How can we overcome on depression effectively and efficiently? 6.Why is depression more prevalent in women than in men?

13.Topic for group discussion-Rejection

What is a rejection? What are the different types of rejection? 2.What are the main contributory factors of rejection? 3.How can we overcome on rejection in the materialistic world effectively and efficiently? 4.Is rejection an opportunity or threats? 5.What are impacts of rejection in relationship?

12.Topic for group discussion-Planning in life

1.What is planning?what are the different types of planning in professional as well as individuals life? 2.What are the significance of planning in our life? 3.What are the main difference between planning and career planning? 4.Why career planning is needed in career development? 5.Why do people have some planning in every stage of their life? 6.How much planning is essential to achieve our future goals?

11.Topic for group discussion-Fear in human beings.

1.What is fear ? What are the different types of fears in human beings' life? 2.Why do people have some fear in their life? 3.How fear affects our life? 4.How many facts do we know about fear? 5.How can we overcome fears in our life effectively and easily? 6.Is fear opportunity or threats in our life? 7.What are the pros and cons of fear ?

10.Topic for group discussion-Self-Confidence

1.What do you understand by confidence and self confidence? 2.How can we build up self-confidence effectively and easily? 3.What is the easiest way to build self-confidence? 4.What are the main difference between self-esteem and self-confidence? 5.Why self-confidence is important? 6.Can self-confidence lead to success?

9.Topic for group discussion-Intermittent fasting

1.What is fasting and how much is it differ from intermittent fasting? 2.What are the different types of intermittent fasting and it's benefits? 3.How does intermittent fasting work? 4.Can intermittent fasting help us to lose our weight? 5.Who should not try intermittent fasting because of safety concerns?