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I would like to elaborate my point of view on this picture that in this picture one boy who is physically challenged due to some casualty happened with him in the past but now he is looking cheerful and thrilled with his life and work.we can see that how much this boy is busy with his work of parching and an another boy with same age come at his parching shop who looks at him amazingly how he is feeling elated and excited at his work.

I would like to inculcate different stories of  this picture , Firstly we can see the real picture of our society where many children who are bound to do such work due to different reasons like poverty, uneducation,and some other unwanted condition,we can easily figure out what would be the future of such nation where children are not able to get basic education and facilities,It might be that he has lost his parents and now he is totally alone and wants to be independent instead of begging and wondering around in the pursuit of two time breads and butters that's why he wants to live his life peaceful and successful irrespective of physically challenged .

Secondly I would like figure out the intrinsic meaning of this picture that it is an exemplary of human trafficking in our society because of overpopulation, poverty, uneducation and unemployment etc.these types of kind crimes are increasing drastically in our society day by day moreover the miscreants are kidnapping our children from the far and fetched areas , sometimes our children became a prey of miscreants easily.
Generally such miscreants maim the children differently so children are bound to begging and doing hazardous they can be a great source of their income.

Thirdly I can describe the headen meaning of this picture  that we should be jubilant and smug in our life irrespective of different problems and issues because life is all about struggle as we know very well that our life is full of topsy-turvy and we can see various ups and downs in our life.As no on is perfect in the world and our expectations are limitless , after fulfilling our  one desire , another desires automatically will arise .As per study report human being is having two special faculties ,one is memory power and second one is imagination if I speak my my mind that we are not going to be satisfied because of imagination and memory power , we always start longing for better future due to imagination power we are not enjoying the present and secondly we always haunt with our past actions due to memory power that's why we are living happily in the present.

Finally I would like to conclude the elucidation of this picture clearly that we always lomg for  better future and better life by comparing ourselves with others however it is not right approach to live a life we should have a look others people who have several problems and issues in their life ,for instance they have lost their parents,they are utterly physically challenged,they are orphanage,there is no shelter for their lives despite of all these problems and issues still they are superb elated and excited to live their lives and they are totally smug .we should learn a great lesson from such people what things motivates them to live their lives so cheerfully So we should always be contented what we have and try our best to live a better and successful life and we should feel better than those people who don't have any family and friends and physically challenged.As living a happy and successful life is a skill ,we all should learn this skill anyhow.


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